
Get ready for your virtual survey (iOS)

Getting ready for your virtual survey

Virtual Survey is a virtual inspection of your business premises that will allow you to identify potential risks and better understand safety procedures. During a video call, a Mitti risk consultant will provide you with recommendations on how to improve your business safety through inspections, checklists and examples of best practice.

Before commencing the Virtual Survey read the Virtual Survey Disclaimer.

To make this process easier for you, we have compiled a list of essentials that you will need during the Virtual Survey.

Things you’ll need

We use information collected to:

Using the tools during the call

During the survey, we will ask for a video tour of your business premises. To make the most out of the survey, our consultant may ask you to perform certain actions and use some functions on your phone so that we can inspect the maintenance of key aspects of risk on site.

Device Guide (iOS)

Once you log in to the call with the link sent to your phone, remember to:

  1. Allow location services

2. Allow microphone access

3. Allow camera access

4. Flip your camera with this icon


© 2023 Mitti Insurance

Mitti Insurance Pty Ltd (Mitti) (ABN 56 640 574 385, AFSL 528433)